Saturday, July 7, 2012

Christian Education or SHOPPING in Tanzania

Lori sharing about Vacation Bible School
Today was spent on Christian Education in the US and in Tanzania. We shared what we do and they shared how they do Sunday School in Tanzania. Both Lori Turner and Pastor Mark shared about Christian education at Faith Lutheran Church.

Molly, Katherine, and Allison teaching the Penquin dance.
Katherine also taught the B-I-B-L-E song.
                                                 Then it was time for Tea and goodies as shown below.

Watermelon, orange slices, popcorn, fried biscuits,
rolls, tea, chi tea, and bread.
Following Tea Time, a very difficult decision was made, to SHOP or NOT? Molly, helped in the decision making process -- she said to SHOP.
Shop till you drop, and some of us did just that. Shopping in Tanzania is very tiring, especially when it comes to dickering. Most of us do not like to do that.

However, many good deals were made; but I cannot tell you what, because the next of kin has to be notified first.

We had a late lunch at Pizza Point, the place where Pastor Mark stayed for two weeks in 2008. He was able to reunite with Grace, the owner, and sister in Christ. She has a marvelous faith and works in feeding orphanages. She and other sisters are trying to improve marriages through the use of the Word of God. While the divorce rate in Tanzania is under 5%, the separation percent is up to 15%, and as she says, "It is 100% unacceptable to God."

Grace with Pastor Mark
Friends in Christ reunited.

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