Saturday, June 30, 2012

Surprise! A Wedding!

Good Afternoon,

Giving of a wrist band at Bethania Lutheran Church.
It is 9 p.m. here and everyone else has headed to bed. A very long day, very busy. While we expected to go to devotions at 8:00 a.m. this morning -- we arrived at a wedding and I, Pastor Mark, was invited to participate in it. We were all surprised. It went well though, it was one of six weddings today for Pastor Mushi.

We met with Compassion International, and stopped in on two Saturday Confirmation classes. Our girls did the penquin dance, for and with the kids. When then had tea before heading to the Maasai Girls School, Secondary Education. Our youth loved it. They were able to interact with a few of the students, each of us had a student to show us around. The wrist bands are a big hit! Thank you.

Then we went to Godson and Monica Materu's home for a lunch. And from there to Bethania Lutheran Church, where the younger members of the mission team played competitive volleyball. They had a great time. The interactions with people was marvelous and fun!

That's all for now...I need to rework my message for tomorrow. We leave for church at 5:45 a.m. Yes, I said, 5:45 a.m. It was a bit of a shock to the team. There are three services tomorrow, the first one beginning at 6:15 a.m. -- how do you like that for an early service. And the third service will end around 12:30 p.m.

Maasae Girls School

Friday, June 29, 2012

Maasai Girls School Today

Evangelist Materu and the bus we road on.
The driver has 'much' skill getting us through
narrow roads and gates.
We will start today early, 7:00 a.m. breakfast, then devotions with staff, and off to the Maasai Girls School. It will be great! I got up at 5 a.m. to work on my sermon for Sunday, like at Faith Lutheran Church -- there will be three services from 6:30 a.m. until noon. The night guard came out to check me out...I am on the balcony outside our room while David sleeps. Guard was wearing a heavy winter coat, hat, and gloves...I was in a t-shirt, flanel pants with my laptop.

As Jesus says inMatthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." NIV
(If you read this pass it on...maybe this blog could be shared at Faith on Sunday morning service email is not going through, thanks!)

A Day with Friends and Critters

Allison with her new friend.
Evangelist Gladness
and Natalie in her chicken
coop - a bird lady, yes!
We're back! I messed up the blog for a bit and it has a new look, but it is working. We had a wonderful meal -- fish and beef. Great tartar sauce. We ate at 6 p.m. and then had our team meeting where we discussed our day experiences...many are best said through here are a few.
Gladness had 300 at one time. We spent most of our time at Snake Park; animals, Maasai history, and little shops.

Kathrine meets Yellow Baboon
David wrestles croc
Well, the blog is up and running again and it is time for bed. The Bible passage for today was 1 Peter1:14-16, "Like obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in ignorance. Instead, as he who called you is holy be holy yourselves in all your conduct: for it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy.""

What does it mean to be holy? Let us know what you think and enjoy the pictures.

Happy 27th Anniversary to Mike and Lori!

The Happy Couple!
Mike's anniversary gift to Lori was this camel...I mean the camel ride. It was a busy, busy, but exciting day. There are so many pictures to share with you -- I believe that the pictures tell the story.
David on top of Old Smokey
We toured Engarenarok Parish, the school, and then Snake Park. Many fears were overcomed today...snakes, camels, and new foods.

Evangelist Gladness and Molly
"holding" a snake???


It's a New Day!

Good morning,

Godson Materu
Assistant Pastor
It is a new day. We have been awaken by our neighborhood rooster -- who doesn't know how to tell time. We were to get up at 6:30 a.m., he enjoyed 4:30 a.m. We are off to breakfast, then to the church for a tour, and then the Snake Farm! The hotel is beautiful! But the smiles are even greater, as you can see. Godson is our main host and friend.

Below to the left is a first look at their church renovation. Quite a sight. As a return guest, Arusha's skyline is changing. Many skyscraping buildings and hotels, including the church.

Pastor Mushi at the airport.

Renovation...two bell towers
reaching toward the heavens.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Best Feeling

"Best feeling today. I was taking some pictures of the boys at the church. When I was done they just looked at me longingly. I asked if the wanted to see the picture and they ran toward me as a stampede with just pure happiness on their faces. Interacting with them was incredibly rewarding." - Natalie

From the Team Members

Met a British girl and one of her friends on the flight. One of the questions she asked me was if we really drank out of red solo cups in the U.S. - Natalie

At the first gathering tonight, Katie is almost married off for 30 cows...negoitiations are still being done between her parents and the inquirer. :)  - Katie

I love the sing and dance greeting from the kids. - Katie

Arrived Safe and Sound

We are here and what a welcome we received. A brass band played for us at the airport. We were greeted by many and a rose corsage was pinned on each of us. Then we traveled in somewhat overcrowded vehicles 48 miles from the airport to Arusha. When we arrived at the church it was like Palm Sunday -- the brass band, other people, and children lined the driveway waving branches and shouting..."Hossana to the Son of David", I guess they didn't say that, but it was moving. And we we got out of the vehicles we were hugged, and hugged, and hugged somemore. We too were served some real cake in a room that has the very same picture of Pastor Mushi and Pastor Gehrke that we have at Faith Lutheran Church.

The flight was for the most part uneventful, for that which was lost was found...someone lost an i-phone, medical card, and a passport -- but all were found. If you can guess who lost what first you may win a prize! Please post here your guesses.

The Tumaini Cottage is awesome! More pictures later. Andy and his wife are caterring to us with the meals, asking us what we want to when we get home there may be some new expectations.

We will get an early start, 7:30 a.m. back to the Engarenarok Parish for devotions, a tour, and then a safari to Snake Park. An early day of it, as we will come back for supper and then quiet time. Well that is it for now, the rest of the team is asleep. Pleasant dreams!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Praise God! What a wonderful send off. Today, we commissioned the 2012 Mission Team and had a potluck with members of Faith Lutheran Church. And then the Mission Team was anointed and prayed over.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Befriend Someone in Tanzania!

Evangelist Gladness and Gladness the student
We still have red wristbands still available. For only $5 you can purchase ONE for you and ONE for your new Tanzanian friend, whom we will give one to with a note or prayer from YOU. Wear the wristband until July 13 when we return -- and use the wristband as a reminder to pray daily for the 2012 Mission Trip. PICK UP YOURS ON SUNDAY or through the church office (309-762-2824). Thank you. The proceeds will go to gifts for the trip.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Join us for worship on Sunday, June 24th at 9:00 a.m. when we will be commissioning the travelers. At noon we will have a potluck, all are invited as we share our good-byes and pack our bags with our gifts to give. Thank you all for all the gifts given, we will be delighted to give them on your behalf.
Welcome to our Mission Trip 2012 blog. The intent of this blog is to keep you informed about our journey. Share this blog with others. It is time for count down, as we are leaving on Wednesday, June 27th from Chicago, IL and return July 13, 2012.

As we enter Tanzania, our first view will be of Mt. Kiliminjaro.
Mt. Kiliminjaro
Check back often...and thank you for your prayers.

Engarenarok Lutheran Church Parish
Host Congregation